Word Shuffle
Engage your audience with a fun Word Shuffle game where users have to find the hidden word or phrase! You decide on the text or image hints to help participants and set the time limits and difficulty according to your target. Distribute prizes by top scores or random giveaways. Generate a positive brand experience, entertain your audience, and boost brand visibility.

See our Word Shuffle examples
Word Shuffle main features
Easy-to-use, visual editor
The application features a graphic editor to create all the words and phrases that you want to include in the game. You can set up to 500 words and phrases to sort, users must solve from 1 to a maximum of 25 riddles in each game.
AI-assisted word and phrase generator
Enter the theme, language, and number of words to generate, and the system will use Artificial Intelligence to create a list of scrambled words for the game automatically.
Set the level of difficulty
Adjust the level of difficulty depending on the number of words or phrases that the user has to unshuffle. You can also decide if the words are shown always in the same order or randomly, and whether to provide hints or not.
Set the time limit to complete the game
You can set the time to solve each word or phrase between 10 and 90 seconds. The final page will inform the user the total time that was needed to complete the challenge.
Game instructions
Before starting the game, the player will see the game instructions and time limit on the screen. The organizer can customize this screen to show additional information.
Enable user-registration system
The app includes a user identification and registration system that will allow you to gather data from new users or integrate it with your user system through Single Sign-On (SSO). More information..
Scores and ranking
Players are scored based on two parameters: points per word unshuffled and points for remaining time at the end of the challenge. The sum of both will determine the final score and the position of the player in the ranking. The ranking can be made public or not, depending on the aim of the campaign. -
Winner selection options
Use the ranking to select the top scoring player as the winner, or run a random prize draw to select the winner among all registered participants or those who have obtained a minimum score.