Increase brand awareness and user engagement by challenging your community to a Memory game, in which users turn two cards at a time to find matching pairs of images. Customize the cards with your campaign theme or product images and offer one or more prizes to incentivize participation. To enter the final prize draw, players register through a registration form that helps you maximize lead generation. Offer discounts to all registered users to convert them into paying customers.
GAMIFY your marketing strategy!

See our Memory examples
Memory Game main features
Customize the cards with your brand or theme
Upload your own photos or drawings to create matching pairs of cards. You can use this game to display your products, use a theme like Christmas or Halloween, or show the company mascot in different poses, etc.
Select the difficulty level
Select the number of matching pairs of cards that you want to show in the Memory game. Create games with as little as two or as many as eight pairs. You can start out with an easy challenge to see the level of your followers and increase the level for each new challenge.
Offer a branded game board
The cards in the game are facing down on the board. You can use this to also customize the backside of the cards with your brand, logo or corporate colors, as well as the theme of the background of the virtual game board.
Set a time limit to solve the challenge
Check how long it takes participants to solve the game and limit the time so that they have to try again if they don't meet the challenge to generate more rivalry. On the last page, the participants are informed about their time and score.
Sound and visual effects
While playing, the moves are accompanied by sound effects to make the experience more realistic, and when the challenge is met, the player will be encouraged by applause and if not, they will hear a fail sound.
Score and ranking
Each participant will get a score based on two parameters: points for finishing the game, and points for the time remaining. Adding the two, all users get a final score which is what will place them in the overall ranking of all the players. Publishing the ranking can increase competition but is optional.
Winner selection options
Use the ranking to announce the player in the first place as the winner, or run a random prize draw to select the winner among all registered participants or the ones that have obtained a minimum score.
Enable user registration
Includes user identification and registration system to allow you to gather new users' data or to integrate it to your user ID system via SSO. More information.