Instant Win
Distribute prizes among your followers with an Instant Win prize draw. Users try their luck by signing up for your Instant Win giveaway and find out immediately if they've won. Choose the winning moments, create prizes, and set participation limits for individual users. Increase brand awareness and download contact details of all registered users.

See our Instant Win examples
Instant Win Giveaway Main Features
Schedule prizes in advance
Schedule when prizes will be awarded in advance - right down to the exact date, hour, minute, and second. The first user to register after the winning moment gets the prize.
Send personalized messages
Participants find out instantly if they have won a prize. Greet them right away with a customized final message. Personalize your message with images and text.
Get repeat participants
Choose how often your followers can try their luck, and how many prizes they can win. Keep people interested and motivate them to return to your promotions, over and over again.
Finish with a prize draw
Add an extra incentive to your online promotions. After you share instant prizes, finish with a grand prize draw for everyone who registered over the course of the promotion. Get a certificate of validity as proof of good faith.
Secure digital coupon redemption at physical point of sale
Tool to redeem digital coupons securely at the point of sale using the user's mobile phone to avoid fraud. Statistics of redeemed coupons and multimedia support also available. More information.