Promo code app

Promo code app to encourage purchases by distributing digital coupons customized to your brand. Registered users can redeem them for discounts, gifts, or prizes in your physical store or e-commerce site, increasing visits to your points of sale. Analyze the success of your online coupons and track their usage while gathering data from your target audience after they complete the form.


Reward your audience with coupons in exchange for filling out the registration form. It's a win-win!


Take a look at the Digital Coupon Book if you aim to offer multiple coupons to your audience.

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Table of contents
Distribute coupon codes

Promo Code App Main Features

  • Several formats of promo codes

    Distribute your own alphanumeric promo codes, QR codes, or barcodes. The Promo Codes app, allows you to manage large-scale campaigns distributing millions of unique promotional codes.

  • Intuitive coupon editor

    Design your online coupon: upload images, provide redemption instructions, and make it unique by displaying the user's identifying information on the voucher. Customize the coupon and all the screens in the application with your corporate branding (colors, fonts, texts, and images). More information.

  • Choose how to distribute coupons

    Distribute coupons with any Easypromos application. The easiest way is to give a coupon simply by registering to the Coupons app. However, you can also distribute them to users who complete a game, answer a survey, or participate in a Spin the Wheel promotion. Creativity is the only limit.

  • Integrate the coupon app to your website

    The coupon app can be published as a microsite with a URL bearing your brand or be linked to a new domain. Additionally, you have the option to embed it on your website as a widget or integrate it into a mobile application.

  • Customizable, easy to use, single registration for users

    Users must identify themselves and register to download the coupon. The registration form is fully customizable. Easypromos also offers integrations with social networks, SSO systems, and other digital marketing tools.

  • Send coupons by email automatically

    After registering, users can download the coupon on the final page, and to make sure that no one forgets or loses their coupons, you can also send it via email automatically. This email contains everything users need to access, download again, or find out how to redeem their coupon.

  • Secure digital coupon redemption

    The platform includes a coupon redemption tool to facilitate prize delivery at the point of sale. Redemption can be done by scanning the QR code associated with the coupon or through a specially designed screen to make sure that the coupon is only used once. More information.

  • Statistics and user management panel

    The platform features a control panel that shows in real time all registered users, downloaded coupons, and how many have been redeemed. You can also find out where users originated and other interesting data to analyze your campaign's performance. Export all the information in CSV or through integrations with your marketing tools.

Promo Code App prices

  • <strong>Premium</strong> Plan
    Premium Plan


    • Limited to 10,000 participants per promotion.
    • Easypromos branding visible.
    • Customize default template with your own wording and images.
    • Fully customizable registration form.
    • Automated email platform.
    • Third-party integrations with external platforms.
    • Access to advanced promotion statistics.
  • White Label Plan
    White Label Plan

    Premium version, plus:

    • Limited to 50,000 participants per promotion. Contact us for more than 50,000.
    • No visible Easypromos branding.
    • No reference to Easypromos when sharing.
    • Share the same promotion in multiple languages and locations.
    • Use your own domain name with HTTPS support.
    • Developers: Use your own CSS styles, HTML and Javascript code.
    • Developers: Access to the API and Webhooks for real-time exporting of entries.
    • Recommended for big brands and agencies.
    • Priority support.

Combine the Promo Code Ap with:

  • Spin the Wheel
    Distribute coupons using any of the "Instant Prizes" dynamics like Spin the Wheel, Scratch & Win, or Instant Win.
  • Survey app
    Use coupons to reward users who answer a survey about your product or service.
  • Entry Form Giveaway
    Besides rewarding users with a coupon, organize a final prize draw to give away an additional prize.
  • Online Voting Contest
    Reward users who participate in a Voting Contest with a redeemable coupon on the contest's last screen.

Complete features

Promo Code App Case Studies

Resources and help

  • Tutorial

    Follow this simple tutorial to set up your coupon campaign. Illustrated with screenshots and updated with our latest features.
  • Free ebook

    Download our free ebook: "A practical guide on how to create and distribute coupons among your audience."

Promo Code App FAQ's