How to use Easypromos to distribute giveaway, contest, or digital promotion prizes

Planned prize distribution
Use the application to configure the prizes you want to distribute and define how you wish to distribute them. Specify the available units of each prize and customize the delivery messages for each one.

Five different ways to distribute prizes
Distribute prizes through a random draw, instant win, probability-based, points-based, or condition-based distribution. You can also distribute prizes to all registered participants in an "everyone wins" scenario, where all participants get a prize.

Configure promotional codes as prizes
If the prizes are discounts or other benefits that can be redeemed via promotional codes, use the system to upload them. The system will then deliver a unique code to each registered participant according to the conditions you have set. The codes can be displayed in several formats: alphanumeric codes, QR codes, and barcodes.

Complement the prize with a coupon or document
Design a coupon or PDF document as a backup and to provide additional information about the prize. The coupon will be automatically personalized with the participant's data, such as user name and the promotional code.

In-store prize redemption system
Use Easypromos' prize redemption system, and its anti-fraud features, to attract visits to your physical stores. Redeem offline the prizes you have distributed online in an easy and secure way.

Distribute prizes via email
Use the email platform to deliver the prize through this channel. This way, winners can easily access their prize information through their email.

Statistics on prize management
The platform measures and records all activity in the application, providing information regarding how many participants have won a prize, what type, and who has redeemed it (if you use the Easypromos system).

Reward with your brand's reward system
Easypromos includes direct integrations with third-party applications, APIs, and webhooks. Distribute prizes based on your rewards system, such as coins or points from your brand's loyalty program.
Easypromos apps for high volume prize distribution
Other resources for high volume prize distribution
Ten strategies to distribute instant prizes
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