Discover how Easypromos helps you increase your brand visibility

Enhance your social media reach

Enhance your social media reach by running giveaways

Giveaways on social media increase participants’ interaction with the brand’s posts. They are an ideal tool for increasing the reach and visibility of the account’s content organically.


Read more about successful social media giveaway campaigns.

Organize co-branded giveaways

Organize co-branded giveaways and promotions to gain visibility

Impact on a wider audience by organizing giveaways in co-branding with other brands or influencers. This way, you can expand your reach to similar demographics. Select the winner among all participants easily and transparently with Easypromos.


See more information about co-branded giveaways.

Use gamification in your promotion for your brand

Use gamification in your promotion for your brand and products to have a longer-lasting impact on the audience

Games increase brand visibility among your audience in a fun and interactive way. Engage participants with branded elements while they play and are entertained, extending exposure and increasing the likelihood of users recognizing the brand positively in the future.

Provide incentive for customers to create content

Provide incentive for customers to create content about your brand

Organize a photo, video, or drawing contest among customers to create and share brand-related content. Activate the voting system to encourage participants to share the generated content and reach a wider audience.

Promote your products

Promote your products in an educational and gamified way

Use quizzes with prizes to get users to know more about your products in an interactive way. The prizes will catch users’ attention, allowing you to engage them with your brand and interact for a longer period of time, as they answer your questionnaire.

Distribute prizes in an original way

Distribute prizes in an original way and collect user data in return

Obtain participants’ contact information in exchange for raffling prizes. Use interactive features such as a Prize wheel, fully customizable to match the brand’s corporate Look & Feel. The new contacts acquired through digital promotions will become the property of the brand, enabling subsequent direct communication to create additional touchpoints and increase visibility.

More resources on brand visibility using interactive promotions