The best giveaway tool for your brand’s marketing

César Rodríguez
César Rodríguez
Giveaways have long been a staple in marketing strategies and have almost fully transitioned to the digital realm. Hence, using the best giveaway tool is the cornerstone of a successful promotion. But in a world with so many options available, where do you even start looking?

The marketing importance of giveaways

Finding and choosing the best giveaway tool in today’s fast-paced digital world, where everyone is fighting for a slice of potential customers’ attention, is no easy feat. Giveaways don’t just grab your audience’s attention; they create buzz around your brand. By creating excitement, giveaways help you stand out from the crowd, boost your social media presence, and build deeper connections with your audience. Sounds like a treat, right? Well, all that is true if, and only if, your giveaway is created and managed right. If you’re looking to up your marketing game, it’s high time you learn how to create and manage your giveaway with the best tool available in the market. So keep on reading, the best is yet to come!

We can group giveaways in two broad groups:

  • Social Media Giveaways for Brand Awareness: Social media giveaways are ideal for getting your brand noticed. By encouraging participants to like, share, and comment on your posts, you create a ripple effect that spreads your brand’s message far and wide. This not only boosts your visibility but also helps you gain more followers and potential customers.
  • Entry Form Giveaways for Data Collection: Entry form giveaways are your go-to for gathering valuable user data. By asking participants to fill out a registration form, you can collect important information like email addresses, preferences, and interests. This data is gold for future marketing campaigns, helping you tailor your messages and offers to better suit your audience’s needs.

Try this Christmas Giveaway DEMO to get a feel of the user experience and design customization possibilities.

How to choose the best giveaway tool

When you’re ready to dive into the world of giveaway apps, you’ll want to make sure you’re using the right one to manage your promotions. The perfect giveaway tool should make your life easier and check all the right boxes. Here’s what you should be looking for:

  • Ease of Use: The last thing you need is a tool that’s a pain to use. You want something that’s easy to navigate so you can quickly set up and manage your giveaways without any headaches.
  • Security: Protecting your participants’ data is crucial. You need a tool that keeps their information safe and secure, following all the latest data protection regulations.
  • Reliability: You need a tool that won’t crash or glitch when things get busy. Your giveaway should run smoothly from start to finish, without any technical hiccups.
  • Official Social Media API’s: If your planning to run a giveaway on social media, choosing a tool that uses the network’s official API to collect participating entries is not only convenient, it will also save you some major headaches and even the possibility of your account being suspended.
  • Transparency and Randomness: It’s essential to have a random draw app that proves to participants that the draw is random and fair. This builds trust and ensures everyone feels the giveaway is legitimate.
  • Winner Communication: Announcing and communicating with winners is a key part of any giveaway. You need a tool that makes it easy to notify winners and handle the prize claim process.

Best giveaway tool

The pitfalls of not using the right tool

Choosing the wrong tool for your giveaways can lead to a host of problems. You might end up dealing with complicated setups, security breaches, and technical glitches that frustrate both you and your participants. If your tool doesn’t comply with social media guidelines, you risk getting your account suspended or your giveaway taken down. Moreover, without a verified, transparent, and random draw system, participants might question the fairness of your giveaway, damaging your brand’s reputation. And let’s not forget the headache of manually managing winner communication and prize claims – it’s a recipe for chaos and confusion.

The best giveaway tool in the market

Now that you know what to look for and the potential pitfalls to avoid, let’s talk about why Easypromos is the best giveaway tool int eh market:

Easy to use

The Easypromos promotion editor requires zero programming skills, you’ll find it a breeze to set up and manage your giveaways. From picking the type of giveaway to customizing the look and feel to match your brand, the editor is easy to use and intuitive. Plus, you can use one of many pre-built templates and customization options, making it super simple to create a giveaway that’s uniquely yours.

Top-notch security

At Easypromos, we take security seriously. Our platform is fully compliant with data protection regulations like the GDPR and CCPA, so you can rest easy knowing that your participants’ data is safe and sound. This level of security helps build trust with your audience, which is crucial for any successful marketing campaign.

Rock-solid reliability

When you’re running a giveaway, the last thing you want is for your platform to crash under the weight of too many entries. With Easypromos, you won’t have to worry about that. Our system is built to handle large volumes of traffic and entries without breaking a sweat. This means you can focus on making your giveaway a success without stressing over technical issues.

Social media integration

Easypromos really shines when it comes to social media integration, making it super easy to connect your giveaway with your social media accounts, so you can reach your audience where they’re most active. Features like social media sharing buttons and seamless integration with social media API’s help you get your giveaway in front of more people and encourage participants to share the love with their networks.

Certificate of validity for random draws

One of our standout features at Easypromos is the Certificate of Validity for random draws. This certificate provides proof that the winner selection process is transparent and fair, which is crucial for building trust with your participants. The certificate details the draw process and confirms that it was conducted without any bias or manipulation. With this feature, you can easily reassure your audience that your giveaway is legitimate and the selection process is above board.

Best giveaway tool: Certificate of Validity

Customizable registration forms

Easypromos offers customizable registration forms, which are perfect for gathering the data you need. Whether you’re looking for email addresses, demographic info, or specific preferences, you can tailor the entry form to collect exactly what you’re looking for. This feature not only makes it easy to gather data but also ensures you’re getting the most relevant information for your marketing needs.

Best giveaway tools: Customizable registration forms

Announce winners with a customized video

Announce the winners of your giveaway in style using “Show Mode”. This feature allows you to create a customized video with your brand colors and imagery which you can then share in social media in vertical or horizontal format.

Giveaway Winners announcement. with Show Mode

“Claim Your Prize” feature

With Easypromos, it is easy to announce and communicate with winners through the “Claim Your Prize” feature. Once the winners are selected, the system allows you to contact the winners directly. This not only streamlines the process for you but also ensures that winners are notified quickly and efficiently. It’s a win-win for everyone involved!

Seamless integration with other Easypromos dynamics

All Easypromos apps in the catalog can seamlessly integrate a giveaway at the end to reward registered users. Whether running a quiz, survey, or photo contest, you can easily add a final giveaway to engage participants, increase participation rates, and reward users. This approach not only enhances user experience but also maximizes the overall impact of your promotion.

Flexibility, scalability and live chat customer support

If you ever run into any issues or need a bit of help, our customer support team is ready to assist you via live chat. Whether you’re setting up your giveaway or have questions about compliance, we are available to provide support and guidance so you can confidently use the platform and get the most out of your promotions.

No matter the size of your business or the complexity of your giveaway, the Easypromos platform has the flexibility and scalability to meet your needs, from simple sweepstakes to interactive contests and quizzes. This versatility makes the Easypromos the best giveaway tool it a great choice for your brand.

Infographic: 14 Reasons to Run Giveaways with Easypromos

14 Reasons tu run giveaways with Easypromos

We hope you fin this information useful and that it has brought some light upon what to look for when choosing the best giveaway tool. If you would like to receive more information, you can contact our customer support team via live chat. We will be happy to help!