The agency

Sra. Rushmore is an agency which believes in the power of ideas. The one true meaning of its work is to connect with people. It believes that the place where campaigns must really succeed is on the street. It believes in experiences of global brands. It believes that different forms of media must coexist and feed off each other, getting the most out of the tools of communication necessary to connect with people at each specific moment.
The client

The telecommunications giant Vodafone is already known around the world. Since this telecommunications company launched its Vodafone yu range for young people in 2012, it has focused its content creation on this target market.
Vodafone yu aims to connect with young people and promote positive values, experiences and emotions in association with the brand. One of the most significant examples is the Top 40 radio show “Yu, don’t miss a thing” – three hours of humor, interviews, tutorials, street reports, and more.
The campaign
Vodafone yu has focused on social networks as a way to interact with a younger audience, and offer them exclusive promotions. Its social media presence covers Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. So for this campaign, they decided to focus on Twitter – with a prize that would attract YouTube users as well.
Four copies of the book Yellow Mellow, signed by the author and YouTube star of the same name, were raffled among followers who retweeted the giveaway post:
“Would you like a signed copy of the book by @YellowMellowMG? We’re raffling four copies among everyone who retweets this tweet.”
The giveaway closed after just a few hours. Vodafone yu chose 4 winners and 12 alternates from their followers who had been quick enough to sign up.

The results
- Over 100 retweets
- Increase in followers
- Fidelization of existing followers
- Attracting YouTube audiences onto Twitter