How Brands Use Social Media Giveaways Today

Corinna Keefe
Corinna Keefe
Facebook is the most popular social network which brands use to run giveaways online. According to a survey of 378 marketers and Easypromos users, 92.6% run social media giveaways on the social network. Instagram is the next most popular, used by 67.5% of respondents. Scroll down to read more results and conclusions to help direct and improve your social media marketing.


66.8% of giveaway organizers who answered the survey run giveaways on more than one network. 45.5% use Facebook and Instagram to an equal extent. This is the clearest trend that we saw in the results of the 2018 survey.

Infographic: Where do brands run social media giveaways? Facebook and Instagram 45.5%, only on Facebook 25.7%, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram 13.5%, only on Instagram 6.1%, Facebook and Twitter 5.3%, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube 1.1%

The study also asked about the frequency of giveaways, and the increasingly common practice of combining multiple networks in a single giveaway. 55.82% of brands surveyed run simultaneous
giveaways across social networks. The most common reason is to keep all the brand’s communities happy (41.6%), followed by convenience in designing and organizing the giveaway (30.4%).

Finally, we asked brands how they use ads to publicize giveaways on social media. 50% of brands invest in ads to share giveaways with their target audience, and 33.9% spend more than 50€ per giveaway.

Social media giveaways as a marketing tool

Where do brands run social media giveaways?

Facebook giveaways are the most common form of social media contests. 92.6% of respondents organize contests on Facebook. Instagram is the second most popular social network for running giveaways, used by 67.5% of respondents.

Bar chart: How many brands use each network for giveaways? 92.6% use Facebook, 67.5% use Instagram, 20.6% use Twitter, 2.4% use YouTube, 1.1% use Pinterest, 0.3% use LinkedIn.

The majority use more than one social network to organize giveaways.

The most common strategy is to run giveaways on both Facebook and Instagram. 45.5% of brands organize giveaways on these two networks. On the other hand, some organizers prefer to use a single network: 25.7% run giveaways on Facebook exclusively, and 6.1% on Instagram exclusively.

45.5% of brands use Facebook and Instagram to an equal extent.

Other brands use Twitter, Pinterest, or YouTube only for social media giveaways, although this is very unusual (1.1%). In these cases, the brand usually has active profiles on other, larger networks too.

How many brands run multi-network giveaways?

55.82% of brands surveyed run simultaneous giveaways on multiple social networks, mostly combining Facebook and Instagram (43.12%).  10.9% run giveaways to unite their communities across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and 4.7% combine Twitter and Instagram.

Bar chart: How many brands run multi-network giveaways? 44.2% never run multi-network giveaways, 43.1% combine Facebook with Instagram, 10.9% combine Facebook with Twitter and Instagram, 4.7% combine Facebook with Twitter, 1.1% combine YouTube with Instagram, 1.1% combine Twitter with Instagram

Many brands use one or a variation of these strategies. However, we can’t overlook the 44.2% who never run simultaneous giveaways across social media channels.

Why do brands run multi-network giveaways?

Combining different social networks in a single giveaway is now a popular strategy for brands. At Easypromos, we have seen a new demand from giveaway organizers, especially social media managers and marketing strategists. In fact, this survey was created to examine the demand further.

When we asked organizers why they run simultaneous giveaways across social networks (or wish to do so), the most common reason was to satisfy all their online communities (41.6%). Making the giveaway easy to design and plan was also a strong incentive.

Bar chart: Why do brands run multi-network giveaways? To satisfy all communities 41.6%, to design and run giveaways more easily 30.4%, because they only have 1 prize 20.%%, because it's convenient (other reasons) 8.3%.

How often do brands run social media giveaways?

32,5% of brands organize one giveaway a month on average. Almost as many (28.6%) organize less than one giveaway a month, but run several contests throughout the year. 16.1% of brands organize two or three giveaways a month, while at the other extreme, 15.9% only manage one social media giveaway a year.

Everyone loves prizes, and everyone is on social media.

“The use of regular giveaways depends on the level of maturity in the brand’s social media strategy, the product or service that they sell, and how much incentive they can offer to users,” explains Carles Bonfill, CEO of Easypromos. “Everyone loves prizes, and everyone is on social media. That creates an opportunity for brands to run regular giveaways, to keep their online communities active and engaged.”

Bar chart: How often do brands run social media giveaways? Once a month 32.5%, less than once a month 28.6%, 2 to 3 times a month 16.1%, once a year 15.9%, once a week 4.5%, several times a week 2.4%.

Top benefits of social media giveaways

Until November 2014, Facebook allowed brands to ask users to like their Page, in return for an incentive such as a promotion, coupon, or gated content. Most promotions and giveaways up until that time were designed to increase the brand’s followers on Facebook.

Although Facebook no longer allows contests based on likes (there is no tool to confirm whether users follow a given page), increasing followers is still one of the main motivations for organizing giveaways. 64.8% of survey respondents list it as one of the greatest benefit of social media giveaways. The other most popular benefits are increasing brand visibility (62.2%) and increasing social media engagement (58.7%).

Bar chart: Top benefits of social media giveaways. Increase followers on social media 64.81%, raise brand awareness 62.17%, increase engagement on social media 58.73%, make customers loyal 26.46%, showcase a product or service 24.07%, get user data (leads) 20.11%, drive web traffic 17.99%, drive traffic to point of sale 8.2%, build trust and authority 5.29%, play, educate and entertain 4.76%, get user opinions 4.5%, get user-generated content 2.91%

Promoting social media giveaways with ads

As we have seen, one of the main benefits of social media giveaways is increased brand reach and awareness. A previous study by Easypromos found that giveaways posts achieved more engagement on Facebook than any other type of content, and were therefore invaluable in improving organic reach.

With that said, the visibility and engagement of branded content on Facebook has decreased in recent years. It is now virtually essential to pay to boost content on Facebook, even giveaway posts.

Bar chart: Do brands invest in ads to promote giveaways? Never 14%, less than 50€ 16.9%, more than 50€ 33.9%, sometimes 35.2%

Half of the brands surveyed regularly invest in publicity for their giveaways. 33.9% will invest more than 50€ per giveaway. Another 16.9% will pay to promote every giveaway, but spend less. 35.2% of giveaway organizers only invest in publicity sometimes, while 14% will not pay to promote giveaways at all.

This survey was carried out by Easypromos in order to monitor trends and help our users create even more effective giveaways. More than 1 million giveaways, contests and online promotions have been created with our platform. We’re always at the cutting edge of developments in social media, helping our users find new ways to engage with their communities online.

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