Through careful planning, it’s possible to reach a lot of users and create engagement in addition to increasing awareness. STAR took advantage of American Heart Month in February by launching a digital promotion that combined an educational quiz about the heart-health benefits of olive oil along with a variety of heart-healthy instant win prizes.
The Company

Borges USA – STAR Fine Foods USA is the premier supplier of specialty food products across the Western United States. Customers know them for their product line including olive oil, olives, vinegar, peppers, maraschino cherries, and other specialty foods. They pride themselves on a strong customer service track record that is highlighted by being attentive and responsive to their customers’ needs, including providing timely communications.
The Goal Of The Campaign
STAR strategically hosts a variety of digital promotions during certain time frames throughout the year that they feel gives them the best opportunity to connect and engage with their target demographic.
February is American Heart Month and STAR wanted to educate consumers and encourage them to eat heart-healthier with olive oil by shedding light on the link between olive oil and heart health and how to incorporate it into their everyday cooking.

Key Attributes To Reaching The Goal
Often it is a good choice to offer an incentive in return for targeted audiences to want to participate in a survey or educational quiz. In this case, there were 81 chances to win prizes with a twist, participants would know instantly whether they’d won 1 of 3 unique prizes. The various prizes included a STAR Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Balsamic Vinegar and Cruet Set, a Fitbit Alta Fitness Tracker, and The Mediterranean Diet Plan: Heart-Healthy Recipes & Meal Plans for Every Type of Eater – Kindle Edition.

American Heart Month in February was a great opportunity to promote the heart health benefits of olive oil. Research indicates that consuming olive oil is great for the heart, so they were able to build a digital promotion around that with good confidence of success.
Many consumers are unaware of the health benefits of olive oil, or aren’t sure how to incorporate olive oil into their everyday cooking. The stunning and inviting display of the quiz tool made it a wonderful user experience on devices.

STAR created automated emails to deliver further information about claiming prizes to the 81 winners. Emails were sent in real-time with winning moments.
The Solution
STAR created a fun and engaging digital promotion combining an educational quiz and instant win opportunities that educated consumers on the health benefits of olive oil and how to use it in their cooking while offering the chance to win some awesome, heart-healthy prizes delivered in an instant win fashion. They did this by combining the Easypromos Quiz app with the Instant Win tool. The tool also allowed users to choose to follow STAR’s social channels and share the campaign across several social media channels. It was also completely mobile-friendly across various devices.
STAR reports that hosting a digital promotion is an easy and relatively inexpensive way to get a lot of exposure and connect with thousands of consumers in a short time. Hosting digital promotions has also proved to be a useful sales tool in securing additional displays in-store.
When logging into their Easypromos admin panel they found a range of tools that made it incredibly easy to bring their ideas to life. With a user-friendly interface and many tutorial articles and videos available to learn from, Easypromos made it easy to customize the digital promotion to match exactly how they wanted it to look. Setting up the quiz and instant win was quite fast and an efficient use of time. Additionally, STAR stated that the support desk was awesome in answering any questions, concerns, and assisting them with anything they weren’t sure on.
The Outcome

STAR had a total of 17,088 entrants and saw a huge jump of 6,027 new followers on social media. They had a 278% increase in traffic to their website, and nearly 64% of the traffic to their site was to the page where the promotion was being hosted.
They were also able to sell nearly 700 heart-healthy themed shippers into stores, which they believe was in part because of this promotion.
Continued Use Of Digital Promotions
This is the second year that STAR has done this promotion and it’s been very successful. They plan to continue utilizing digital promotions to connect with their consumers in a fun and engaging way. The company feels that this is a great way to gain additional brand awareness and communicate their brand identity to the consumers they want to reach.
“It was easy to create, customize and host a digital promotion through Easypromos. We found their range of tutorial videos and articles immensely helpful in answering any questions or concerns that we ran into while building the promotion. One of our favorite features that Easypromos has available is a pop up window that appears after users enter our promotion that provides the opportunity for users to follow us on social media. This feature led to a substantial increase in our social media followers, which we love to see!”
-Meghan Komin-Marketing Digital Assistant
Borges USA – STAR Fine Foods