How to Organize a Women’s World Cup Prediction Contest

Corinna Keefe
Corinna Keefe
The 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup in France exceeded all expectations. And in 2023, it's set to be bigger than ever: up to a billion people will tune in to watch 24 nations battling for the trophy. But brands are falling behind. Here's how to stay ahead of the curve with marketing and promotions for the Women's World Cup.

So the Women’s World Cup is a growing market – and a chance for brands to show that they take women’s sport seriously. Depending on your brand and target market, this is especially important for customer relations and showing off your brand values and a perfect opportunity to launch a campaign with our Women’s World Cup prediction app.

The FIFA Women’s World Cup is a solid marketing opportunity, extending over a full month and 24 different countries. That’s plenty of time to grow your audience – including internationally – and learn more about your customers.

But how? With a good, old-fashioned, Women’s World Cup predictions contest.

What is a Women’s World Cup prediction contest?

This marketing campaign does what it says on the tin. You ask people to predict the results of the FIFA Women’s World Cup – and if they get it right, they join your prize draw.

World Cup prediction promotion

Depending on your goals, location, and budget, choose how big the contest will be. The Women’s World Cup features 52 matches in just 30 days, which is a lot of predictions!

Instead, you could ask people to predict results for a specific country or guess the results of the final rounds.

To see a football predictions contest in action, try our Women’s World Cup Predictions demo.

How to get more followers with a Women’s World Cup prediction contest

When people share their predictions for the FIFA World Cup, they’ll be asked to fill in an entry form.

You can ask people to sign up with their social media profiles, and any other information you need – such as email address, location, gender, or sporting interests.

entry form for the World Cup Prediction contest

But you should also be working outside the predictions contest. What do we mean by that? Here are just a few ideas:

  • Announce the predictions contest on your social channels
  • Share a contest link in your email newsletter
  • Embed the contest app on your website
  • Share regular contest updates on social and email channels
  • Livetweet relevant matches from the Women’s World Cup

Every moment is an opportunity to build relationships with your followers, and attract interest from new potential customers.

Best prizes for a World Cup predictions contest

The prizes that you choose for a Women’s World Cup predictions contest will depend on a lot of different factors. That includes things like your brand niche, your audience, your budget, and whether it’s feasible to ship physical prizes.

With that said, here are a few suggestions to get you thinking…

Match tickets

World Cup promotion example

Football gear or general sports equipment

World Cup memorabilia and merchandise

FIFA World Cup promotion

Restaurant and hotel promotions during the World Cup

FIFA World Cup promotion

Here’s a little secret: it’s easier than you think to organize a predictions contest. Edit our templates so that it’s up to date for the Women’s World Cup, add your brand logo, and fill in the details of the prize. You’re ready to play! Or… chat with us in case of more questions!

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