Design Template for Digital Promotions and Online Contests

Randi Jensen
Randi Jensen
Easypromos provides a wide range of design templates for creative promotions and contests. They're all fully responsive and mobile-first. In this article, we take you through the characteristics and benefits of using Easypromos design templates. You will also find a design guide.

Main features of the Design Template

The Easypromos promotion Design Template is based on 7 principles:

All the promotions created with Easypromos come with a pre-configured design, allowing you to easily customize your campaign. Create your Easypromos account and create a draft version of any promotion to see and test the design options.

Fully responsive, mobile-first design, compatible with any screen size

The main characteristic of Easypromos promotion templates is their responsive design compatible with all devices. It highly improves the user experience, as it was designed with the mobile-first philosophy.

Promotion templates and structure

The Design Template structure applies to all promotion screens and it features the following elements:

  1. Header with fixed height of 36 px
  2. Background image
  3. Main container with texts, images and buttons for each page
  4. Footer with fixed height of 50px

promotion templates

You can configure the following elements of the main container:

  • Control opacity of the background image and make it more or less visible.
  • Choose promotion style: dark or light. It will also define the color of the header and footer of the promotion.
  • Configure the position of the container: it can be displayed in the middle of the page, or on the left or right side.
  • Control of the width and height of the container which displays text and buttons in front of the background image.
  • Control the structure of the container, choosing between 1 or 2 columns.

The Design Template allows promotion designers to fully exploit their creative capabilities.

Would you like to find out more about configuring Easypromos promotion? Download the design guide – it’ll help you fully customize your promotions!

Text configuration

Most users access promotions on their mobile phone. Here are the most common ways to participate in online promotions:

  • links in social newsfeeds, such as the Facebook app
  • sharing on Facebook or Whatsapp
  • email newsletters
  • ads
  • brand websites

Wherever you share your promotion, you must include 3 essential pieces of information: the prize, the closing date of the contest, and the rules for participation. And if you share this information in your social posts, emails, and ads, then you can keep the actual promotion design much cleaner and simpler.

In Easypromos promotion templates, the information on each page has been simplified, and call to action buttons stand out more. You can even choose to disable the introductory page of the promotion and take users directly to the registration form.

Full and customization

We designed the promotion templates in line with our philosophy: finding the balance between flexibility and accessibility. That’s why we’ve added even more design options, without any need for programming, HTML or CSS coding skills.

To facilitate the promotion customization process, the editor allows you to view your design changes in real-time and on the same screen.

easypromos promotion editor

Additionally, all Easypromos draft promotions, come with a default template, with pre-configured texts so that you can customize your promotion in less time. You will only have to upload logos and corporate images and edit the texts to fit your needs.

You can also edit:

A. Colors.

B. Typographies.

C. Buttons.

D. Container.

E. Background. You can edit the following options:

  • Colors
  • Opacity
  • Image
  • Position
  • Default images

More options for developers

If you represent a big brand or agency, then you may have access to more resources. The template is ready for developers to use, with total customization and programmability.

The new template has been programmed entirely in Flex, so that the page layout is easier to manipulate. Styles and CSS classes have been structured You can upload your own HTML or JavaScript code for advanced customization.


In the process of creating the templates, our clients’ feedback about the design has always been kept in mind. That’s why the design, the structure of the styles and the tools that we offer are sufficiently flexible so that a front-end programmer can program almost 100% of most of the designs to fit the design that their designers have developed.


The success of a promotion depends on many factors: a good prize, smart publicity, and an intriguing design. But all of that depends on an app that works.

That’s why we dedicated 9 months to developing and launching the Design template. Every element has been meticulously tested for every web browser, mobile device, and social network.

Some of our clients have already accessed the Design template during its soft launch. Today, we can share the template with all our clients, secure in the knowledge that it is 100% reliable.

Get started with the design template

Ready to go? Watch this video demo for an introduction to using the design template. See a written technical tutorial. And don’t hesitate to chat with us in case of questions!