We are 99.99% sure that the readers of your newspaper or magazine also happen to be Internet users. This creates a great opportunity to find your customers and connect with them online. What can you get out of it? Apart from boosting customer relationships you can also convert your readers into qualified leads for marketing purposes, strengthen customer relationships and even reach new potential users.
Newspaper’s entertainment section: from paper to digital
The first step to connecting with your readers online is to invite them to participate in digital versions of your games; in other words, make them aware of your online presence. Placing a QR code in your newspaper or magazine’s game section might be a great place to start. By doing so you ensure that everyone that enjoys your challenges gets to see that there are more games online. The QR code will then redirect the user to a microsite with your online games. You can even customize the microsite’s URL so that it comes with your brand name.
Natural transition from traditional to digital
Before you redirect your readers to your online section with games, it’s important to ensure that the website is fully personalized with your corporate image – colors, logos, etc. Users will be able to see that the page belongs to your magazine or newspaper – therefore, more trust will be generated. Luckily, the Easypromos games allow you to personalize all the online game applications that we offer: typography, colors, background images, logos, etc. By using Easypromos you gain total freedom when it comes to your promotion design.
Get to know your newspaper readers
Let’s take a look at some main differences between printed and online games for magazines and newspapers. Users participating in the online version of your game must register by filling out a registration form. They can log in using their Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, or Twitch accounts, or simply fill out an online form. Users won’t have to repeat the registration process next time they access your online games; they won’t have to accept the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions more than once either. Participants also have the option to opt-in for your marketing communications, and therefore become new leads that can be directly added to your newspaper’s database or CRM.

Once the user completes the registration process, they get access to your online games, crosswords, and puzzles. Easypromos offers more than 30 user-engaging dynamics but your imagination is the real limit! Each application can be used in a variety of different ways.
We strongly believe that you shouldn’t replicate the games printed in your newspapers but rather take advantage of online possibilities. Interactivity is what online users love – and they will surely respond well to some interactive online games!

Try our Multi-Game DEMO for newspapers and magazines to test the real user experience. You will get to see the registration process and different dynamics offered by Easypromos.
The most popular Easypromos games for magazines and newspapers
- Crossword: Crossword puzzles are the star of newspapers and magazines entertainment sections. Easypromos has not only taken this all-time star puzzle to the digital world, it also features an AI powered tool to create your own crossword in minutes!
- Word Shuffle: Challenge your readers to unscramble the hidden word using the clue or image provided.
- Puzzle: Use any image to create a branded Puzzle game. The application will divide your picture into puzzle pieces and shuffle them randomly.
- Memory: Find matching pictures before time runs out.
- Hidden Objects: A customizable version of “Where’s Wally?”.
- Word Search: A typical word search game but this time with the possibility to choose the difficulty level and time limit for completing the challenge.
- Match It: Match pairs, for example, football players with their teams or writers with their books.
- Minesweeper: Remember the classic Minesweeper on your first computer? With Easypromos you can launch a branded version of this game.
Apart from these classic games, you can also engage and entertain your readers to participate in online questionnaires that you can customize with pictures and videos that will generate more engagement and interest from the users, for example:
- Timed Quiz: Configure not only questions but also the dynamic. Challenge participants to answer all questions correctly, or to be the fastest entrant.
- Personality Quiz: Get to know your readers better by asking questions about their likes and preferences and display a personalized message based on their answers. Isn’t it something that we often see in magazines and newspapers?
- Logic puzzles and games:
- Complete a mathematical sequence
- Decode Egyptian hieroglyph
- Chess: choose the best move after analyzing the board
- Complete a mathematical sequence
- Decode Egyptian hieroglyph
- Chess: choose the best move after analyzing the board
- Complete a mathematical sequence
- Decode Egyptian hieroglyph
- Chess: choose the best move after analyzing the board
Did you know? Easypromos has now implemented an AI tool to help you save time when creating games and quizzes!
Reward your newspaper readers with prizes
There is no way to know how many people solved the games printed in your newspapers or magazines. You also don’t have a way of rewarding the readers that complete all the games. But this changes when you incorporate online games! With Easypromos you can organize daily, weekly or monthly challenges with public ranking for each game. Reward users just for participating or give prizes to the best or fastest players. You can choose to:
- Each day reward the best player of the day.
- Give away a monthly prize to the participant that scored the highest number of points in all games.
- Give away direct prizes just for participating with winning moments.
- Reward all users that have participated in all your games, no matter their score – they’re your most loyal readers.
Get in touch with your readers
The Easypromos games are a great avenue for any newspaper or magazine looking to connect with their readers. Thanks to the registration form, you get to collect contact details from your participants; the form can be used to collect more information about the demographic or interests of your customers. And then come the games; by analyzing the way users participate in your crosswords and puzzles, you can understand more about your readers, for example, you get to know their likes and preferences, as well as their favorite games. Make use of the Easypromos email platform to launch personalized emails that will deliver quality content to the participants, for example, information about new games, or thank you messages sent after the user participates.
Convert newspaper readers into leads and attract new subscribers
Looking to increase the number of paying subscribers to your magazine or newspaper? Prepare a series of games for readers and another one for paying customers. Share information about the games for paying customers to make sure that the word gets out there! Make sure your audience knows about the prizes that can be won in the games – it’s a great way to attract more paying subscribers!
The Easypromos Auto Login API can be a great solution if you’re an advanced user. With the API you can limit access to online games to subscribers only.
Online games = another way of advertising
Online games are a fantastic way to boost brand awareness and visibility. Each game is fully customizable, which opens a new door for sponsorship agreements and paid collaborations. For example, you can use an online puzzle to promote a new product launch of a collaborating brand or to promote a tourist destination for an airline. As you implement gamification into your strategy, you will be learning more and more about your users with each game. It will help you learn more about their likes, favorite games, and preferences so that you can offer more attractive and effective advertising spaces to your collaborators.
Would you like to learn more about the possibilities of online games offered by Easypromos? Don’t hesitate to contact us via our live chat where our customer support agents will be happy to assist and inspire!