Key Features of a Good Instagram Winner Generator

Kamila Palka
Kamila Palka
Are you looking for a reliable Instagram winner generator to help you finalize your giveaway like a pro? Do you want to ensure the tool you use is automatic and transparent? You’ve arrived at the right place because we’re about to take a look at all the information you need about the Instagram Giveaway.

Instagram giveaways have proven to be highly reliable whenever brands look to increase engagement or generate brand visibility and awareness on social media. Minimum costs and resources make sweepstakes accessible to businesses of all sizes. Small brands and already established businesses can benefit from comment giveaways on Instagram; apart from rewarding and engaging the audience, giveaway organizers promote their products and foster customer relationships, which is a vital part of any brand’s success. But how can you make sure your giveaway is transparent, automatic, and reliable? There are many comment picker tools on the market and it might be difficult to decide on the right platform, especially if you don’t know what to look out for. This is why we’ve created this checklist to choose the best Instagram Giveaway app. 

Choose an Instagram winner generator that imports all comments and doesn’t have a comment limit

Depending on the size of your brand or the number of followers, you might get more participants than initially thought. This is why it’s so important to be able to import all the comments left on your giveaway post so that everyone gets an equal chance to win. There are tools that pull only the last, for example, 100 comments, which makes it impossible to run a transparent and trustworthy prize draw. 

Number of comments on giveaway posts

Another important aspect to bear in mind is the maximum number of comments that the tool you choose can import. For example, the Easypromos Basic Pro Plan allows you to run giveaways with unlimited comments

Instagram winner generator: specify participation requirements and choose an automatic tool

What are the recommended Instagram winner generator criteria?

  • Comment
  • Tag a friend
  • Follow my account 

You can also ask participants to like the giveaway post but remember that Instagram is removing likes in some countries. Also, a person double-tapping your post does not necessarily mean that they want to participate in the giveaway. 

instagram winner generator example

However, it’s important to make sure that the giveaway winner followed all the necessary steps to participate in your promotion. This is why the Instagram winner generator gives you the opportunity to filter the comments by your participation criteria. You can decide what is the minimum number of characters that participating comments should have; specify how many users each entrant should have mentioned in the comment; exclude comments left after the participation period previously specified by you; exclude blacklisted users or previous winners. 

easypromos platform: instagram winner generator

This is why it’s so important to use an automatic Instagram winner generator. Imagine having to go through hundreds of comments, checking if each user complied with the criteria. Instead, an automatic giveaway tool does it all for you.

Choose a giveaway app that allows you to choose alternates and contact the winners

Imagine running a great giveaway to then find out that the winner didn’t follow all the participation rules. And what about facing difficulties when contacting the winners? This is why it’s so important to opt for an Instagram winner generator that gives you an option to choose alternate winners and contact the prizewinners. 

choosing alternate winners with easypromos instagram winner generator

Easypromos gives you the opportunity to specify how many winners and alternates you wish to choose, with a maximum number of 1000 winners and alternate winners in total. 

So what happens if the original winner didn’t comply with entry requirements or they don’t respond to you? This is when you move on to the first alternate winner. All the changes will be then displayed on the Certificate of Validity which proves that the giveaway was conducted automatically and transparently. 

Best giveaway tool: Certificate of Validity

You can also facilitate a Claim Your Prize page in which winners identify by logging into their account; they fill out the information about their address so that you can easily deliver the prize. 

Make the news public and announce who the lucky winners are

The giveaway itself is always exciting but it’s also a great feeling to share the happy news with your audience. Announce the giveaway winner in style with a video to show the winners that you can fully customize with your logo and corporate colors. Share the video on social media channels as posts or Stories to further engage your audience and increase brand visibility.

Are you ready to use the Easypromos Instagram winner generator? Or maybe you still have some questions? If the answer is yes, make sure you contact our Customer Support team