The agency

Picnic was formed in 2012 as a digital communication and marketing company, in a collaborative and interdependent relationship with the Reclam agency. Their aim is to provide a breath of fresh air to Galicia’s digital communication landscape. Not only is the company open to new channels and trends, but it also seeks to improve them. Picnic accompanies clients in their day-to-day endeavors and strives to satisfy their needs and aspirations.
The clients

The Federation of Associations and Guilds of Jewelers, Silversmiths, and Watchmakers of Galicia is a non-profit business organization that brings together merchants, wholesalers, manufacturers, artisans, jewelry designers, silverware, and watchmaking. Its territorial scope covers the Autonomous Community of Galicia. It was founded in 1984, by representatives of the various associations that formed part of it back then.

The Professional College of Jewelry, Goldsmithing, Silversmithing, Watchmaking, and Gemology of Galicia, established in 2007 as an open-door entity, both for professionals and the wider public, is a public law corporation of a professional nature, endowed with its own legal status and total capacity to act for the fulfillment of its purposes and the exercise of its functions, created by Law 9/2006 of December 1, and protected by the Constitution, the Statute of Autonomy of Galicia, and the legislation of professional associations.
The central focus of the campaign: an online jewelry design contest for kids
The Galician Federation of Jewelers, Silversmiths, and Watchmakers, in collaboration with the Official Jewelry College of Galicia, convened the XII edition of the school design contest “Design a Piece of Jewelry for Your Mom,” aimed at pre-school and primary school students from Galicia aged up to 12, to celebrate Mother’s Day.

The project was first launched in 2010 and has proved hugely successful. Its aims are to promote artistic expression from an early age, awaken curiosity in children about the world of design, and bring a profession that has deep roots in Galician tradition closer to the public.
In addition, by encouraging this fun process of creation, which culminates in the manufacture of winning designs by professional jewelers, organizers are enabling young designers to see a practical application of their creativity, thus providing support to their training.

Organizers’ promotional strategy
By collaborating on the 12th edition of the project, the Galician Federation of Jewelers, Silversmiths, and Watchmakers looked to reach a large potential audience in the most welcoming way possible, generating a positive emotional connection with participants. This is amplified by the fact that the contest is linked to Mother’s Day, a date of great importance in the sector represented by the Federation and by COXGA, the Official Jewelry College of Galicia.
The very weight of its history gives this contest an important place in the calendar of possible activities for students from participating schools.
The online kids’ contest
The school design contest “Design a Piece of Jewelry for Your Mom” is part of the annual plan of actions of the Galician Federation of Jewelers, Silversmiths, and Watchmakers, aimed at highlighting the importance of purchasing products in establishments that provide a guarantee of service and product. The contest targets the autonomous community of Galicia in northern Spain.
After a two-year hiatus, the organizers decided to adapt to the changing times by turning their offline school-based contest into an online one.
To organize this digitalization of the contest in such a way as to guarantee reliability and professionalism, organizers collaborated with the Reclam agency which used the Easypromos Photo Contest app for the initial phase of the project.

Features of the app used for the children’s contest
The agency chose to use the Easypromos app for various reasons:
- a photo gallery of the designs created by participating children in four age categories (0 to 4, 5 to 7, 8 to 10, and 11 to 12).
- the possibility to collect votes for each design and display them from most to least voted until the moment of selection of the ten most voted designs in each category.
- the app facilitated the management of the whole process. It also made dealing with any incidents like errors or duplicated uploads straightforward.
Once the final selection of the ten most-voted designs in each of the four categories was completed, the contest jury selected ten more designs for each age group, so that the total number of finalists was 80. All of these had a chance to win one of the three prizes in each category, making a total of twelve, and the objective was to make the design into a finished piece of jewelry—the perfect Mother’s Day gift. The awards ceremony took place at a gala in Santiago de Compostela a few days after the end of the contest.
Promoting the contest
To promote the “Design a Piece of Jewelry for Your Mom” contest, COXGA used its social network profiles on Facebook and Instagram. In order to boost organic posts, the organizers ran ad campaigns. Special emphasis was placed on the aesthetics of the posts and ads, with striking graphics and clear, engaging texts generated by the Reclam agency.
After finalizing the children’s contest, COXGA published images of the winning pieces of jewelry and their social media profiles.

Results of the campaign
A total of 1,550 students participated in the contest, an impressive achievement considering the novelty of the online project and shorter participation period—barely one month—compared with previous editions of the contest. A grand total of 27,862 votes were cast.
During COXGA’s social media campaign, the contest page was viewed 3,893 times; the campaign reached 118,336 users with 497,032 impressions. 3,486 users shared the contest on WhatsApp and 1,272 on Facebook.
In summary, the organizers’ main objective—changing the mode of participation to reach beyond schools and families—was achieved. Feedback from participants, both students, and parents, was highly positive, and that alone is a reason for satisfaction.
When organizing a contest for children, you can never take too many precautions. The procedure must be reliable, easy to understand, simple to execute, and offer every guarantee. Thanks to Easypromos, the development of the school design contest “Design a Piece of Jewelry for Your Mom,” organized by the Galician Federation of Jewelers, Silversmiths, and Watchmakers in collaboration with the Official Jewelry College of Galicia, was exemplary and a huge success in terms of participation.
– Paco Gallego –
Content & Community Manager of PicNic