Father’s Day Sweepstakes to Boost Engagement

César Rodríguez
César Rodríguez
Father's Day is coming up soon! Whether you want to inspire kids with gift ideas, or reward dads directly, a Father's Day sweepstakes will do the trick. Let's take a look at some ideas to get your campaign rolling.

First of all, why celebrate a Father’s Day sweepstakes? There’s a reason why giveaways are such a popular action among marketers: they’re easy to set up and manage, participation is simple and straightforward, they can be used to promote your products, and can be easily shared on social media.

Try our Father’s Day Entry Form Giveaway DEMO and get a feel of the user esperience.

The first consideration when organizing a Father’s Day sweepstakes is to choose the prize wisely. This campaign typically aims at strengthening brand recall so that children and gift buyers remember that standout product that Dad will love. Therefore, if your flagship product is appealing, consider making it the prize of your giveaway.

Once you have decided on the prize, the next consideration is where to host your giveaway. In this regard, you can either run a social media giveaway or host it on its own microsite. The best option will depend on the objective that you have set for your giveaway. If you aim to increase engagement with your audience and increase brand visibility, a giveaway on social media will do the trick. However, if what you are looking to achieve is to gather leads, an Entry Form Giveaway is the way to go.

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at some Father’s Day sweepstakes ideas to celebrate dad in his special day.

fathers day promo

Boost engagement with a Father’s Day sweepstakes on Facebook

Showing off your branding or products on social media is one way to stay top of mind with customers and generate product visibility. But for Father’s Day, think about going a step further; create positive experiences by trigging people’s emotions and memories with a Father’s Day Facebook sweepstakes! However, you will need something that will attract the attention of your target audience, and also motivate them to participate in your promotion. Make sure you use a visually striking photo, showcase the prize you’re raffling, and create a catchy copy to attract as many users as possible to participate in your Facebook sweepstakes!

Get started with your Father’s Day sweepstakes on Facebook and take brand engagement through the roof! Use our Father’s Day Facebook sweepstakes template to launch your promotion in less time!

Here’s a neat example from STAR Fine Foods. Their giveaway, and the images they used, subtly combined their products with a charming family scene.

Father's day Facebook giveaway

Who taught you to cook? Chances are, you made your first attempts at homemade cookies or mac & cheese in your mum and dad’s kitchen. So STAR asked people to share what their dad had taught them.

Comment giveaways are great engagement boosters. Ask an open question to encourage more elaborated answers from participants, or to prompt real conversations between the user and your brand.

Try and ask a question that links back to your brand image, values, or products. Even if you can’t make a direct link with your giveaway question, choose prizes that show off the best of your brand!

Father’s Day sweepstakes on Instagram

If you opt for hosting a giveaway on Instagram, the most common approach is to post on your profile and ask users to comment to participate. You may also request additional actions, such as tagging friends, but we recommend keeping it simple with fewer requests.

As you can see in the example above, the image you post on Instagram is crucial. The text should be small compared to the image (less than 20% if you plan to promote it) and be visually appealing. Showcasing the giveaway prize is also a good idea, as it shows your audience the main incentive to participate.

Father’s Day sweepstakes on Instagram Stories

Another type of giveaway you can host on Instagram to celebrate Father’s Day with your audience is an Instagram Story sweepstakes. There are two ways of doing this:

  • Among users who reply to your Instagram Story.
  • Among users who post a Story on their profile and mention your brand.
Father's Day giveaway on Instagram stories

These two dynamics will help you promote engagement and gain visibility for your profile on Instagram.

Multi-network Father’s Day sweepstakes

Does your audience spreads across Facebook and Instagram? You can bring them together in a single giveaway! If that’s the case, we recommend carefully considering the participation dynamics to be similar on both platforms so you can simplify the management of your giveaway.

If you base your giveaways on comments, you can gather participants from both platforms and have them be part of a single giveaway. With the multi-network giveaway application, you can retrieve comments from each platform and select winners and alternates easily, quickly, and transparently.

Check out these Father’s Day Giveaway Ideas to run on your social media accounts.

Father’s Day entry form sweepstakes

If you aim to gather contact information to generate leads, an Entry Form giveaway is the solution you are looking for. As an organizer, you can customize the registration form to include the information you are interested in gathering and share the link to the giveaway on your social media accounts, newsletter, or website.

Father's Day Entry Form Giveaway

Participating is straightforward, users only need to fill out the registration form to be eligible for the prize. Think of an appealing prize and, if possible, targeted towards a male audience, and you’ll have the winning combination.

We hope you find these ideas useful, if you have any question or would like to know more about the dynamics that Easypromos has to offer, don hesitate to contact us va live-chat. We will be happy to help!

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