Cyber Monday promotions to boost your online sales

Following on from Black Friday, Cyber Monday has become an important date in the online sales calendar. Three days after the massive sales enjoyed by shops, malls and department stores during Black Friday, it’s the turn of ecommerce. Cyber Monday…
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St. Patrick’s Day promotions for your brand

Every year on March 17, the Irish and the Irish-at-heart across the world celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with parades, parties, and a whole lot of green. This post provides simple, easy and effective ways to share some St. Patrick's Day…
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How to create a Valentine’s Day giveaway

Valentine's Day is a celebration of love, but it's also big business. Here's how to get the most from your social media, with simultaneous Valentine's Day contests on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Learn how to generate new leads without too…
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Most Popular Christmas Promotion Ideas

Christmas is the season of goodwill, gifts, and lots of sales. But how do you make your Christmas promotions stand out? In this post, we share the top ideas that will help you boost brand engagement, sales, and lead generation.
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boost halloween sales

Boost Halloween Sales with a Contest

Halloween is now worth more than nine billion dollars each year. Consumers are spending more money than ever on Halloween costumes, candy, decorations, and events. So you can't afford to miss out! Learn how to get leads and increase revenue…
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Labor Day Giveaway Ideas for Your Brand

Labor Day: the long weekend, the parades, festivals, picnics, fireworks displays and retail sales. It's a day to recognize hard-working people in the United States and Canada. So why not reward your loyal followers with a giveaway, and tap into…
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Black Friday Promotion Ideas

Black Friday: the biggest day of the year for Western retailers. Shoppers are ready to spend and save with holiday deals and big-ticket discounts. So how can you make your brand stand out and what can you do to boost…
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