Discover the personality quiz builder features

Teresa Trejo
Teresa Trejo
The personality test is a valuable tool for engaging audiences, offering a personalized experience that explores users’ preferences, building trust and connection with the brand. By delivering tailored results, users feel understood, which boosts brand loyalty and encourages sharing. A personality quiz builder is essential for creating these experiences, providing customizable questions, advanced logic, and real-time data collection, making it adaptable to various marketing goals. Integration with marketing automation tools allows seamless data collection and follow-up, enhancing user experience and targeted marketing strategies' effectiveness.

Below, you will find some tips and examples of personality test games to inspire you and help you set up your own promotional action with Easypromos.

Tips for organizing an online personality test game for your brand’s followers

Tips for launching an online personality quiz

1. Complete your quiz with a reward to be more attractive

The prize is the key to calling the user’s attention! So, think about your target and gift them something they will like. You can draw a prize between all the test participants, send personalized content via email like discount codes, or only give them a final message according to their answers. Even though the test motivates, asking someone else about themselves and making them choose between different options is a great reward, the main hook of a promotion is always the gift or prize the user can get.

Check out in the next example how an entertainment park uses a personality quiz maker and gives away a trip to Enchant? to enhance participation.

reward your customers when creating your personality quiz-builder

2. Customize the quiz design

Make the test align with your brand by customizing the aesthetic parameters of the main sections of your promotion. Easily upload the images that will illustrate the test and choose your desired color for the buttons and various sections.

3. Keep the questionnaire short and sweet

Four or five questions are enough to make the user feel comfortable and not perceive the test as a heavy or endless task. This type of promotion is appealing in itself because participants enjoy the questions and testing themselves by choosing from the proposed options. Most importantly, the user eagerly anticipates the final message they will receive based on their answers. So, make them look forward to their final message, but don’t bore them with an overly long questionnaire!

4. Use images and videos in your questions

To set up your quiz start by defining your goals, then use customizable question types like multiple-choice or image selections to create engaging, personalized questions. Incorporate advanced logic flows to tailor the user experience based on their responses. Real-time data collection allows you to gather valuable insights for targeted marketing and follow-ups. Our personality quiz builder is a great tool because it streamlines the process, offering easy customization, seamless integration with marketing tools, and the ability to deliver personalized, data-driven results that boost user engagement and brand loyalty.

For example, this next image shows how you can combine various images and text for answers!

upload photos and videos to your personalized quiz

5. Limit each question to 4 answer choices

To ensure the participant has a positive experience during the answer selection process and receives a corresponding final message, create questions with a maximum of 4 possible answer options. This way, you ensure the user isn’t overwhelmed with too much information, and you maintain good management and consistency in the results. The user will feel satisfied and connected to the brand, and the promotional action will be simple for you to manage.

set up questions with our personality quiz maker

6. Only clicks to answer

Simplifying the quiz experience to allow users to answer with just a few clicks significantly enhances engagement and accessibility. This reduces barriers to participation, making it easy for users to interact with the quiz without feeling tired of it. Quick, click-based answers are brought to users’ attention. Additionally, the simplicity of clicking makes the quiz feel more like a game than a chore, increasing enjoyment and connecting the user with your marketing promotions. Overall, this efficiency that we offer creates a seamless experience that keeps users engaged and invested in the outcomes.

plan your different types of answers for your personality quiz

7. Don’t forget to ask for the user’s data

Every participant leaves data to be able to participate in one of your promotions. In this way, that participant can be part of your database. So, ask for the data that you consider necessary for this but try to ensure that it is not more than is strictly necessary. However, you can recollect this data and then use it for other promotions of your brand. 

User data collection in promotions

8. Create a final message for each profile type

Take the opportunity to get even more out of the quiz you have prepared. If a participant liked the experience, they would want to share the final message with their friends. Now you can allow the participant to spread the image and text of their personality test result on social networks. This way you can create engagement with the participants since you allow them to easily share the content they liked and, on the other hand, you get the same participants to make your promotion go viral and recommend it.

9. Sent the result by email

Complete the personality test experience by sending the user an email with their final message so they can save it. In this email, you can also include a discount coupon as a thank-you for their participation, additional information about products related to their personality, a resource tailored to their tastes, and more.

email platform to connect with customers with our app connected with your quiz builder

10. Encourage users to share their personalized result

With our tool, you can customize the quiz to identify with your brand by modifying the aesthetic parameters of the main sections of your promotion. Easily upload the images that will illustrate the test and choose the color you want for the buttons and the different sections. Previewing how it will look is easy from the promotion management interface.

Real examples of brands that used the personality quiz builder

The best way to understand the potential of personality tests is through examples. We’ll explore how you can set up the test based on your marketing goals: to promote your products, explain your company’s activities, enhance your brand image, or even celebrate a special day with your customers, among other possibilities.

Personality Test to Showcase Your Products

The quintessential personality test is related to the fashion sector. These types of tests have always been used to discover the ideal look for an event or to find out what suits you best. In this way, brands can recommend their products and offer discounts to encourage repeat purchases.

The El Boulevard Shopping Center raffled a complete fashion experience among the test participants. At the same time, participants discovered their ideal dressing style.

personality quiz builder

Use a Personality Quiz Builder and Attract Your Target Audience

The website portal launched a personality test to capture the attention of its target audience and increase traffic to its website. The hook: they were giving away tickets to some of the festivals featured in their catalog.

Through the test, participants discovered what type of personality they have when attending festivals. This final message also included a direct link to the website, providing users with an easy way to access information about concerts and festivals.

personality quiz example

Easypromos provides you with the Personality Quiz Builder, allowing you to create questionnaires like the ones you’ve seen in the examples. Additionally, the tool includes a system that allows you to reward participants in various ways: through a random draw, with a direct prize for each participant, or with prizes based on the test results…

Do you have any questions or want to see more examples of personality tests? Contact our team and schedule a video call.

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