How to use Easypromos to collect User-Generated Content

Gather photos, videos, and texts

Gather photos, videos, and texts from users

Organize photo, video, text, or multimedia contests easily. The application allows great flexibility to adapt to the needs of the contest you have planned for your brand or event.

public gallery

Public galleries to showcase content

Display all photos, texts, or videos uploaded by users in a public gallery. Users can access the gallery to visualize the content and feature tools to share and vote.

Voting system with fraud control

Voting system with fraud control

Activating voting is optional. In such a case, Easypromos features an advanced fraud control system designed to ensure transparent and fair voting.


More information.

Registration form to collect data

Registration form to collect data

Customize the registration form to include the user information that you wish to collect. Participants are required to accept the Terms and Conditions that state how the uploaded content will be used.  

Gather content uploaded to Instagram 

Gather content uploaded to Instagram 

Enable integration with Instagram so users can participate with photos or videos uploaded to their Instagram profile. With the "Mention+Hashtag" application, the content is imported automatically. Whereas with the "Hashtag+Registration" application, users must register through a form to upload the photo.

Review all content before publishing 

Review all content before publishing 

Have complete control over the content displayed in the contest gallery by activating pre-moderation. This way, the content will only be visible in the gallery after you, as the organizer, have validated it.

Giveaway among users

Giveaway among users who recommend your brand or product 

Use the List Giveaway application to select a winner among the customers who have left reviews or ratings about your product or service. You only have to upload the list of customers, and the tool will transparently and randomly select a winner.

Communicate with participants 

Communicate with participants 

Thank users for their effort in generating content with an automatic message, which you can customize and automate using the email platform. You can also use it to inform participants if their content has been approved.

Multiple ways to reward

Multiple ways to reward participants 

Encourage participation by offering users the chance to win a prize. You have several ways to assign prizes: distribute prizes to all content generators, through a draw among all participants, or by awarding the prize based on the votes received.

Other resources on how to reward users for their content through contests or giveaways